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Thursday 10 April 2014


23 demonstrators were arrested by the police last year as they marched towards Zesa offices to present a petition accusing the power utility of snubbing locals by employing contract workers from outside the region at its Insukamini sub-station.

The demonstration reflects the disheartening situation concerning the marginalisation  in Bulawayo industries which frustrated the locals to the  point of taking to the streets so that their pleas for economic  justice could be heard.

Government parastatals in Bulawayo such as Zesa should prioritise locals and not prefer to employ people from other regions at the expense of locals. Considering the fact that many local youths are unemployed, it becomes unreasonable to sideline them when availing employment opportunities in the city. 

Zesa should not have  imported unskilled labour from elsewhere when it was supposed to emancipate the locals who were in dire need of jobs to uplift themselves and benefit economically.


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